This is my sanctuary. This is the place where I will be able to say anything. No filter. Why? Because I can. I am almost 27 and completely over-privileged. I do what I want and that’s okay. That doesn’t make me any form of a negative adjective you would like to throw my way but it does make me ballsy, courageous and not a conformist. I like to swing to my own step. Naturally that gets me in a bit of trouble from time to time, but not the kind that lands you in the slammer….more than once at least. I’ve had my fair share of ups and downs, but to tell you the truth, I wouldn’t change any of it. Ever.

I am adopted. Blah. Boring. I’m all too well aware of the boring factor when it comes to someone blaming their entire screwed up life on their adoption like it was their current parents fault that whoever decided to give you up for whatever reason was any better than the people who loved you and raised you as their own for damn near 27 years. The only thing that most people don’t realize, mostly because they don’t care enough about my messy life in conjunction with their own lives fabulously planned out by mommy and daddy, is that I am that girl. I am the one who blames everyone else for my birthparent’s shortcomings as well as my own. Oh well. Life goes on.

Life is about experience and how you live it. Well, it’s safe to say that I have lived 1000 lives. I can outlive a cat and no it has nothing to do with near death experiences while driving on I-95 anywhere in Palm Beach County.  I have more life experience than most people my age and that is completely by choice. “Everything I have done, or didn’t do, shapes me for who I am.” Uh duh. Like everyone says that. Unlike a lot of people, I mean it. I have literally chosen every step, turn, twist, backtrack and sprint ahead. My life is simply that, my life.

Since I decided at the age of 6 that I was going to grow up way faster than the human brain can comprehend, I have become somewhat of a loud mouthed, opinionated, sweet, overly sarcastic and rather ironic person. I will give you the shirt off my back but double cross me and I’ll be taking that shirt back along with your dignity. That’s why I started this blog. No, not to belittle everyone and make myself seem like God. I started this to help people gain insight into how adoption and lots of screwey thinking can lead to a life of misery and self-pity.

What makes my blog different than all the rest of the self-memorializing blogs out there? I have a wicked sense of humor. I’m dark and twisty with a touch of light and airy. I have problems. I have boyfriend problems, girlfriend problems, weight problems, a touch of hysteria, I’m afraid of the dark and I suck at sugarcoating basically anything. I abbreviate practically everything and sometimes forget that I’m a girl from “the Bubble”, which really has nothing to do with this I just thought I’d throw that in the mix.

I’m human and I have some interesting insight into a world that no one even wants to poke at with a 10ft stick….

P.S. – You’re Welcome 🙂