The SouthWestern “Wafflet” (Egg Omelet) Friday, Feb 13 2015 

waffle omlet

I saw this idea on Pinterest one day and wanted to try it…Well, being a procrastinator, I did not try it right away.  A few weeks later, I woke up one morning and decided I wanted to make the “Wafflet” idea. So, I went straight to the kitchen and Wham bam thank you mam, it worked and I was so excited! I usually hate eating eggs because they taste too raw for me when I get them at restaurants. No matter how burnt the chef makes them, it’s usually never good enough for me. This idea allows me to be able to cook the eggs exactly how  I like them, at any varying degree of overcooked to normally cooked. It was a lot of fun and I would definitely say try it with your kids!!!


Plug your Waffle Iron in and mix up your eggs how you like them!

I used

5 Large Cage Free Eggs

Chopped Organic Onion
Chopped Organic Tomato
Chopped Organic Green Pepper
Pinch of Himalayan Pink Salt
Pinch of Organic Black Pepper
Tablespoon of Organic Half-n-Half


Spray Waffle Iron with any cooking spray you choose and pour your egg mixture on! (Process takes about 3 minutes depending on how you like your eggs)

TIP – Let the mixture sit on Waffle Iron OPEN for about 30 seconds to 1 minute and close lid

TIP – If you have a fancy Waffle Iron that flips over, DON’T FLIP OVER!!!!!! Mixture will pour out the side when you try to flip it!

TIP – If your Waffle Iron DOES NOT have a “catch pan” or something under it that can help prevent a mess when the egg drips out the side a little, put a plate or towel or paper towel underneath. It will really help save your counters 🙂 Also, don’t walk away while it’s cooking, it really doesn’t take that long to cook so just be patient!


The “Wafflet” will be fragile so I suggest using a cake serving spatula vs a regular square one. Plate and enjoy!

This is my new favorite, quick breakfast that is quite fun! Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy!

x0 ~Asset

Vanilla Ice Project House Tuesday, Jan 13 2015 


I spy the Vanilla Ice Project House!!!!!!!! So exciting to watch the transformation! Can’t wait till it’s almost done!

Embrace The Suck(!)(?) Monday, Jun 24 2013 


I’m learning a new tactic called “Embrace The Suck”…Well so far it’s not working out so well. I’m trying to embrace life‘s quarks and idiosyncrasies and I guess I’m not doing a good enough job because things suck more!

I can’t expect anyone else to change but me. That itself is another hard concept to grasp. The thoughts go through my head that if change is coming from me and there is hard work being put into the change and at least an effort is being made, well then shit, you have to change too. Unfortunately things don’t work that way. And unfortunately for me, all the changing and evolving that I’ve done over the past 4-5 years has left me in a pickle with my family.

This awesome volcano lightening thing going on in the picture I posted is a lot like my life right now. A giant explosion of epic proportions. some parts beautiful and some parts dangerous. other parts seductive and other parts burn. These kinds of phenomenon’s really intrigue me. I want to touch it lol I want to feel the electricity run through me while the lava bursts up. I think that would be the most exhilarating thing ever….too bad I’m not invincible and I cant do that without dying! Not exactly conducive if I’m dead. This helps solidify my point about how people need to embrace the suck and stop being so needy. And by “people” I mean, me. Im sitting here waiting and waiting and waiting on Carly to call me. Well, she kinda can’t call me since I blocked her but she can communicate with me and she has yet to do so. It just helps me realize that she’s not going to change and I have changed and that I shouldn’t expect her to change and embrace my changes if she hasn’t changed at all. Too bad I can’t actually take my own advice. FML.

I think that the volcano erupting through the lightening or really the lightening going through the erupting volcano….oh whatever you get the point….well the pictures details haha symbolize how life can throw you such hurt and pain and malice and while it may look beautiful to others and on the outside, it really is nothing but a giant fire ball of disappointment once you get closer.

She said she was born to love me. Just like every other jerkoff that I have dated and loved. Her famous words a week ago were the same as literally every guy I’ve dated… —>> im sorry baby…I love you…you’re my one and only…I wanna be with you forever…it’s you, it’s always been you…I wanna marry you….I want you to get pregnant so we can start a family…and my all time favorite line is, “I’m gonna spend the rest of my life making it up to you so you know how sorry I am and how much I love you” BAHAHAHAHAH. Okay for rizzy, like no. You’re a liar. Just like the rest of them. Fucked up. I don’t deserve this treatment. I just can’t let it all go. I literally have no one else to lean on. If I get sick and need to go to the hospital, I’m on my own. If I get into a car accident, I’m on my own. If I need some moral support, I’m on my own. I haven’t made any real friends down in this god forsaken state and I want to go home. I just miss my family. It’s hard to miss something that you’ve thrown away and taken for granted you’re whole life, but I do.

Learning to embrace the suck is really not working out the way I planned. But I guess that is the whole premise of the nature of the definition of embracing the suck. Things won’t always work out as planned and you gotta take it all in and let it go and keep moving. So I guess that does mean that I am starting to embrace the suck when everything sucks. Now I just have to figure out how the hell I am going to move past the suck. that is the next challenging part. Moving on…. Not looking back…. Not answering calls…. Not texting…. Being completely and utterly alone because everyone in my family hates me and doesn’t want to be around me…..

Yeaaaaaaaaaaaa, this sucks. Moving on, sucks. Having no support, sucks. All this suck, is all my own doing. which now makes it suck even more.

So, in conclusion…How do you move on after you embrace the suck????????????? … Don’t ask me, ask the guy at your local bar. he has the right idea!!!!!!!

*Everyone’s thinking it. I’m just saying it….You’re Welcome*

Toddler Truth… Friday, Apr 5 2013 



Don’t deny it. You know that you will not deny a baby or toddler the right to the answering of the toy phone when handed to you. If you do, that is just completely wrong. Kind of like scrunched socks and wearing all denim. Just plain wrong!


x0 AI


Everybody’s thinking it. I’m just saying it. You’re welcome!